In one respect, I have missed my usual frequent
drives round Surrey. I usually use this time to listen to a range of materials,
some intellectual, some lightweight, occasionally music, to feed my brain with
whatever the mood takes me. This gives me a buffer between work and home, space
to wind up and wind down. It also gives me an opportunity to learn and be exposed to new
ideas. One of my favourite sources of inspiration is Matthew Syed, who has
written several excellent books.
Since lockdown, I have not managed to fit in my usual diet
of ideas and growth mindset podcasts. Between giving the children quality time,
trying to get a reasonable amount of exercise and being tired after long
periods videoconferencing, my brain has had enough by the end of the day.
However, I realised that this is not serving me and on Saturday I chose to go on a solitary walk for my
exercise and I carried on listening to the audiobook of Matthew Syed’s Rebel
ideas. The book contains the best explanation of why and how diversity is
important that I have come across. He does not start with the premise that
diversity is good, indeed for simple problems he argues that diversity is often not good (the men’s 100 metre final in the Olympics being a good case
in point). However complex problems require diversity of thought and that comes from diversity of culture and experience.
The best ideas, the best solutions, will come through a range of
different people with different experiences working together.
This has direct translation into the work that Surrey Youth
Focus is supporting around the re-procurement of Children’s Emotional Well being
and Mental Health services in Surrey. If ever there was a complex problem,
mental health is it. The mental well being of any one person is a result of a
complex mix of upbringing, culture, societal influences, life experiences,
social interactions and more.
At Surrey Youth Focus, we have long been believed that young people who are
struggling would benefit hugely from more social solutions, many led by the
third sector. (Note: I deliberately don’t use the term “services” because
services tends to imply a narrow range of professional led work such as
counselling, whereas solutions are much wider – peer support, whole school
approaches, social movements, encouraging participation in arts and sports,
However, it has gradually become clearer to me the
importance of joint creativity around the future use of the money spent on mental health. We will get the best
results if we work with a much more diverse group with different perspectives
on emotional health understand the societal root of the issues and to generate
new solutions. Young people, parents, commissioners, teachers, school nurses,
psychiatrists, police, social workers and of course the third sector…to name
just a few.
Together, we are so much stronger. But we need to find a way
to throw off the baggage of the past - the silos, the overstrong faith in medical solutions, doing "to" young people rather than with them. We need to start with a clean sheet of
paper and be creative together, painting a brand new vision of how to create a culture in our schools, our communities, our charities and our medical providers that enable every child and young person to thrive. The signs of change are afoot. There are some very strong cross-sector relationships being built, that will, I hope, lead to a very different way of serving our young people.
Thanks Cate for your thoughts - challenging times but also times full of opportunity. (By the way Rebel Ideas is a great book, and like Syed's previous work, very insightful)