Friday, 26 February 2016

Who would you turn to if you had a mental health problem?

Well, looks like my resolution to write more often was broken pretty quickly? Still, I am pleased to say that I stuck to my dry January.

We have collaborated with our members on two different projects about young people's mental health funded by Healthwatch. I was struck by a discussion with a colleague this week that I thought worth mentioning in the blog.

Where would you turn to if you had a mental health problem? Online? Family? Friends? GP? 

Our sample of young people would look online first and maybe go to a friend. Only a subset would go to a professional such as teacher or GP. Few would go to parents. 

I will say that again. Only a subset would go to a professional and few would go to parents.

This leaves us with a real challenge as to how to support young people with mental health. We can have all the services in the world but if they don’t make use of them, what’s the point? This needs to be the starting point for all service designs.

Any comments? Ideas? Feel free to respond or email me.


  1. At Eikon and with our partners, we are doing a lot of work to help make sure young people have someone to turn to and get help when they need it:

    We have youth workers placed in schools that help ensure young people get help when they need it. The effectiveness of our approach has been validated by an independent evaluation.

    We are touring schools to help students understand wellbeing and to know how they can access services including digital services such at

    We are training young people to become ambassadors and to provide peer support and sign-posting to services.

    We are co-producing anti-stigma work with young people.

    We are helping school staff know about the services that exist, how to access them and how to sign-post young people.

    Through our partners, we are delivering more young person friendly counselling sessions in more locations across the County.

    We are training school staff to help young people build resilience.

    I think these represent a lot of the "how". The biggest challenge of course is securing the funding to be able to meet the levels of need.

  2. Yes i am totally agreed with this article and i just want say that this article is very nice and very informative article.I will make sure to be reading your blog more. You made a good point but I can't help but wonder, what about the other side? !!!!!!Thanks Mentalism niche

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