This has been a week dominated by concerns about the health and well being of young people. We are undertaking research for Healthwatch (NHS consumer champions) into the experiences of young people with the NHS. I am writing up the report now following 210 responses to a quite detailed questionnaire, and having run two focus groups with young people. It is clear that generally the NHS provides a good service to young people, and in the main they are treated respectfully as would an adult be. The big deficit is in provision of mental health services. Young people said there is a chain of causation from the widespread bullying in school (including cyberbullying) leading to…not going out…loneliness..depression..self-harming…A&E. Hopefully the report will have some impact in securing change.
This has been A level week for many young people: congratulations to those who have done well, and those who are disappointed should always remember there are other paths to take, but whatever the result “seize the day!”
Interesting IPPR report this week on youth unemployment pointing to mismatches between what young people are training for and what employers want. The argument is a familiar one – and it is about how we undervalue vocational education in this country. The report says that there is
a striking mismatch between what young people are training for and the types of jobs available. For example, it says, 94,000 people were trained in beauty and hair for just 18,000 jobs, while only 123,000 were trained in the construction and engineering sectors for an advertised 275,000 jobs. The IPPR says youth unemployment is lower in countries where the vocational route into employment through formal education and training is as clear as the academic route. Here is the link:
So I am delighted that we have a leader in promoting vocational education, the Vice-Principal of Guildford FE College, as one of our Trustees and I had a great meeting/induction session with her this week.
The Carpe Diem is of course a reference back to Robin Williams who sadly died this week and to his brilliant films, such as Dead Poets Society, and to his superb acting/characterisations, though troubled by personal mental health issues throughout his life.
For my part I’m off to walk 44 miles in 2 days this weekend on the South Downs, being my training track and with an overnight in a pub. This is my last full test of myself and my kit before going off to France initially to walk the Camino Santiago, some 500 miles from St Jean des Pieds to Santiago de Compostela in Spain….making my life extraordinary too. So this means that I must be retiring…soon.
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