I was on holiday last week in Wales – Solva on the
Pembrokeshire coast. A pretty fishing village where Welsh TV were filming
Dylan Thomas’ “Under Milk Wood”. I went for a superb 14 mile walk along the
coast on a beautiful day when the Atlantic sea looked like the Med. (but not
the same temperature!) Visited St David’s Cathedral and Bishop’s Palace..the
whole area is rich in references to Celtic Christianity. Very fine.
And straight back in on Monday morning at 9.15 am to a
meeting of our sub group of Trustees and then a full Trustee meeting on Tuesday
evening with a long agenda. The Board appointed and welcomed two
brilliant new Trustees and we are fortunate in having a very strong,
experienced and capable Board. The Board approved last year’s Report and
Accounts, and also a new methodology for assessing the Outcomes of what
we do…a notoriously difficult but necessary task. Intended outcomes have
to be accompanied by performance measures or else the term “outcome” (ie. what
difference is made) is just being used for motherhood and apple pie effect. The
Board agreed to my proposals though urged caution in not spending too much time
on measuring performance rather than delivering…remembering we are a small team
of 3.7 FTE
We had a presentation from Surrey CC about their
commissioning of services for young people - £32 mill. worth, and the Board
also approved the first increase in membership fees for 4 years, and
other changes so that we can take on businesses as Associate (non-voting)
members so that they can access our CommUniLAB project.
Since it was my last Trustees meeting I was surprised by the
appearance of chocolate cake (favourite) and fizz. And kind words.
The rest of the week saw the finalising and updating of the
submission papers for Pqasso (qa system), and work by colleagues in
arranging our Youth Social Action conference on Saturday 15 November. I was at a
Surrey Connects Enterprise Working Group this morning when amongst other points
we were updated on the exciting plans for a University Technical College
in Guildford near Kings Manor School. Back to the Future - I could
not help feel that if we as a country stopped messing around with education
we’d serve our young people better…did you say what’s wrong with technical colleges and polytechnics?
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