Friday, 31 January 2014

Managing Transition

An intense week, and one of preparing for change, as our Chairman David Hypher will stand down at our Trustees meeting next Tuesday. The Team took David and Pam out to lunch at The Stag at Eashing by way of a "thank you " to David in particular.

Our Chairman designate Lesley Myles MBE,JP,DL will take over on Tuesday , and a smooth transition will have been achieved. Similarly the arrangements for advertising /recruiting to my post are all sorted too- the ad will go out in March, and interviews fixed for 8 April. I will NOT be playing any part in the process...a CEO for the future , not the present or the past!

Went to Therfield School, Leatherhead Careers evening on Tuesday with Tasha (Workforce development and HR) , and it was an excellent evening not just in talking to parents and young people , but in being able to pitch the CTV product from our Surrey Youth Enterprise company to the Met Police at an adjoining stand.

Closely involved in working with the commissioners putting Childrens social services out to contract, and also Mental health(CAMHS) re-commissioning out to tender. Invitations to tender go live in the summer. All part of our "Leading , representing, and advocacy" role., and in regard to this we are being invited to represent the sector on the top level, and very important Surrey Children and Young People's Partnership Strategy Group, about which more another time.

Kate ran a successful funding advice workshop on Tuesday attended by 30 people, and the next "How to set up in Business " aimed at young people is now also fully booked.

Our lawyer is working in setting up our second social enterprise to take over the Woking Youth Arts Centre (aka Trinity Studios, where the Spice Girls first rehearsed/recorded), and we have a second major sponsor for CommUniLAB , so although we are all very busy things are going very well.

Of course the other transition is with the England Rugby Team  of which I am Assistant (unofficial ) Manager in preparing for the Rugby World Cup in England in 2015. Meanwhile France v. England in Paris 5.00pm Saturday - the first of the glorious Six Nations games. Not sure about the 20 year older winger, or the choices on the subs bench but for the rest it looks good for England. Eleven mile training walk on the Sussex Downs on Sat - cold and wet. Should be fun! Mike

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