Friday, 8 February 2013

Big Assist

Slightly odd week as I took Monday off to walk on the Sussex Downs in preparation for my Y toY marathon charity walk next month. It was very cold and I was walking into a strong wind all morning, so only did 11 miles not the 19 I planned – quite pleased even so.

Good news has been that we bid successfully to NCVO for “Big Assist” funds to enable us to retain a consultant with whom to work in developing a “big picture” about a network of interlinked organisations in the voluntary youth sector in Surrey. It is very evident that voluntary sector organisations either need to merge , as is happening all over the place, or use the talents and services within, and between organisations, and at the same time minimise and share  support costs. SO we are using the consultant to begin this exploration of possibilities.

Shelagh our volunteer Adviser has just had a very positive meeting with the Director of the website and we will be putting all our Member vacancies/volunteering requests there. “The Eleven” company will also be supporting the Celebration of Youth in October.

The CiC is progressing towards its start and the next step is to recruit the staff. Kate is working on the next set of workshops for young people about How To set up in self-employment/social enterprise. I was invited by the Leader of Surrey CC, David Hodge,  to send our Communilab proposal to him and to David McNulty, and we wait to hear if it is an innovation they will support.

Sad catalogue of errors and mismanagement at Stafford Hospital - the way we treat elderly people is a test of our culture, and we are found wanting at present. It is of course all to do with values…people…caring…grace (putting self in another’s shoes) and so on, rather than the I want/need/not paid to do/ not my job  mindset etc . End of sermon.

Delighted with England last Saturday….note my man Billy Twelvetrees had a brilliant debut and scored a try. Ireland away on Sunday(but Matiida’s 3 year old birthday party first on Saturday) . IF England win they will really have progressed.

Apprehensive Assistant England Manager

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