Friday, 1 June 2012

Behind the Scenes

This has been rather a bitty week punctuated by the dreaded IT problems and the prospect of the long Jubilee week-end looming.

But on Monday evening I went to the Boys Brigade (Cheam) annual awards evening, at which the star performers were their chess team who won the UK Boys Brigade chess competition with the finals being held in Ireland. A very positive achievement.

I then visited the Queen Elizabeth Foundation at Leatherhead to view premises for the start up of the Woking social enterprise. QEF has plenty of space and the prospect of locating the social enterprise there fits well with their strategic aim of developing the site as a community of social enterprises/charities. The only snag is that being out in the sticks their broadband connections are slow, but QEF are addressing that with a cloud based solution.

“Behind the scenes”, I had a great discussion on Wednesday with the person we hope will become our new Chairman in succession to David Hypher who has done so much for Surrey Youth Focus and many other charities. I have also  been working on compiling partners and support for our Surrey Youth Enterprise grant bid, and having discussions about the invitation to tender for the County Council’s Infrastructure Support Grant that will go out to open tender in the summer. I can’t say anything further about these at present. "Sensitive".

On the national front - interesting that the Government has now dropped the charity tax…along with the pasty tax….and the caravan tax ..Hmmm…."listening" or just ill thought out in the first place?

The Monarchy is a great institution..can you imagine how ghastly it would be to have an elected president? So let’s enjoy HM Queen’s special day and have no truck with those who lament the loss of GDP – anyway every shop I’ve seen seems to have a Jubilee theme to encourage sales!


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