Hi folks, sorry I have missed two Fridays worth of blogs, but it was my wife’s birthday on Friday 4 May, so I took the day off so we could go to Kew Gradens..in the cold..and rain..I then had last week off to draft the famous MA dissertation.
I know you want to know what it’s about, and now that I have finished the 20,000 words and sent it in to my tutor, I am in a position to tell you……but I won’t yet. I will give you the full story later, at the slight risk of my Stephen Fry / Barack Obama levels of blog readers falling off a touch.
Guess what - EVEN my brother now reads this blog…and tells me that I have more readers than President Sarkozy…but I think there’s joke somewhere there.
However, I would not want you to think I had been idle on my week off, and so on the birthday 4 May I took a call at Kew from Surrey CC who have asked me to do some "honest broker" work over a particular issue they face with a member organisation of ours, and, at the risk of entering the lions den I have said I will.
(SEE you skeptics…spelt correctly by the way....I always knew there was a place for Theology…."lions den" ….Book of Daniel..geddit?? Please keep up!)
Then on Saturday 5 May (yes a Saturday) we had a very good staff/trustees awayday working on our 3 year strategy. Suffice to say, that we cannot sustain more deficit budgets, so we have a cunning plan for the 3 year development of SYF. "Failing to plan is planning to fail".
Then whilst on leave (just thought I’d get that in) I went to Surrey University to meet with a brilliant group of students in SIFE, which stands for Students in Free Enterprise – A heart for business. A Head for the world is the strapline. I went to canvass their views about our Surrey Youth Enterprise project, for which we are about to bid fro funding. The students were very quick to comment (positively) were challenging, and hugely impressive. Many thanks to them for their ideas.
So..then back to work on Monday this week (my wife thinks I never left it) but with a filthy cold acquired after 4 year old grandson’s Superheroes Birthday Party with about 20 children, and noo immunity to children’s germs.
So I was missing, but am now back- more blogging this Friday..and LOTS to say..much better than The Voice, Britain’s Got Talent, Man City (boo), Sarkozy…et al.
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