I went to Duke of Edinburgh Award presentation for Elmbridge last night – 323 young people received awards – which is a great testimony to the continued regard with which the DoE scheme is held, to its supporters, and to the young people.
Earlier on Thursday, I had been up to London for a workshop on the “Valuing Infrastructure Programme” about how to measure the impact of support service organizations like us; it was very helpful indeed, but slightly scary to hear about the extent of cuts to CVS all round the country and to national bodies. One of the key learning points was about recognising the different membership market segments, and communicating to them differently in consequence. I am at another evening event tonight to celebrate links between schools and employers-corporates. My interest on behalf of SYF is in making links to employers. I met with the Chairman, Emma Potter and the new Chief Executive of Surrey Clubs for Young People, Joyce Quinnell, on Monday and have established a better understanding of each of our purposes and plans, which should lead to mutual benefit.
On the downside we have had to cancel the Faiths in Action event on 23 Feb as we only had 6 people booked in, despite great effort on our part.
Youth unemployment is in the national news again, but in Surrey it is still falling, with 2,890 young people 16-24 claiming JSA in December. However I suspect that this may prove to be the bottom of the curve.
Next week is the start of a cluster of meetings about social finance and social impact bonds.
Personal Disclosure: Off to do a little 10 mile in 3 hours walk on the Sussex Downs this week- end, being my training for the YMCA Charity Y to Y Marathon walk on Sunday 27 March. If you want to know how to get fit/ address diet issues go to www.ooberfit.org.uk where all is explained. Delighted that Mumford and Sons got the Brit Awards for the Best Album – remember where you saw them recommended first! (Here).
Trivial Pursuit:
a) Last week’s answer: New research at Cambridge University shows that fleas can jump 200 times their height, but it is still not known how they achieve this- I thought you’d want to know this!
b) This week’s question: Do you understand the Alternative Vote system?
Have an enjoyable week- end!
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